When you sign up to your tenancy with us, we agree to rent accommodation to you based on the Terms and Conditions of your Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement. Your rent is calculated monthly and is payable in advance by you on or before the 28th of the month.
The rent you pay is used in the following ways:
- To pay for repairs and maintenance to your home
- To set aside some money each year to pay for larger repairs
- To manage the Association and your home
- To repay any money we have borrowed to build or improve your home
Paying Your Rent
You can make rent payments by:
- Allpay App - download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- Allpay card – please call 0330 041 6497 or visit Allpay
- Direct Debit – please call us or email us and we can provide you with a Direct Debit form, simply complete this form and return it to us via email and we will set this up with your bank
- Debit or Credit Card – call us and we can take a payment over the phone, we can also set up a Standing Order
- Direct Payments – if you are receiving Housing Benefits/Universal Credit, your rent can be paid directly to the Association.
Please remember that it is still important to pay your rent. If you are facing any difficulties, please contact us and we will be able to assist you.
For more advice and support about financial support during the cost of living crisis please visit Cost of Living Crisis - Support Scotland.
Do not send cash through the post.
Difficulties paying your rent
The Association has dedicated Rent Officers who monitor accounts to ensure that rent is being paid, but they are also there to assist you if you find yourself in financial difficulties.
It is important that you pay your rent on time each month. If you are finding it difficult to pay or have fallen into arrears, the most important thing to do is contact your Rent Officer.
Most problems with rent arrears can be sorted if early action is taken. If you are in arrears we can agree a suitable arrangement to pay off the debt. All discussions will be treated confidentially.
If you are on Income Support or have a low income you may be entitled to Housing Benefit. This can cover all or part of your rent depending on your household income and how much rent you pay.
We also have specialised staff that provide advice on money matters and other benefits at our offices. If you require assistance and would like to make an appointment, please call or visit one of our offices.
Remember, if you do not contact us or keep to arrangements made, the Association may be forced to take legal action that could result in you losing your home.
Rent Increase
We are currently preparing to set rent levels for April 2025 - March 2026.
We are committed to providing excellent services to all our customers through the provision of quality housing and community activities.
Your rent makes a significant contribution towards the delivery of these services; we know from experience that you want us to provide improved houses with an efficient and modern service while maintaining rents at an affordable level, comparable with other social landlords.
Find out more about our proposed rent increase for 2025-26 here.