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Giving back: charities benefit from ng group staff fundraising

TWO GREAT causes recently benefitted from the fundraising efforts of staff at ng homes.

ng homes Chairperson and staff recently presented the Marie Curie Hospice in Springburn with a cheque for £500 raised through staff fundraising events. The Marie Curie staff were delighted to receive their cheque and expressed their thanks for the kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity of ng group staff who had raised the money.  

Marie Curie Donation

Tony Sweeney (Director of Corporate Services, ng homes), Lucy Brown (Housing Assistant, ng homes), and Catherine Rossine (Chairperson, ng homes) present the cheque to Holly MacLean (Fundraising Assistant, Marie Curie).

Ashley Thomson, Head of Fundraising Scotland at Marie Curie, said: “We are absolutely delighted to once again have the support of the ng group staff and receive this fantastic donation of £500 – thank you to everyone involved!”

Marie Curie Donation - C RossineLucy Brown (Housing Assistant, ng homes) and Catherine Rossine (Chairperson, ng homes) hand over the donation to Holly MacLean (Fundraising Assistant, Marie Curie).

ng group staff also recently participated in their own Red Nose Day raising an additional £220 for the annual appeal.

ng homes Chairperson Catherine Rossine said We are very proud of the dedication shown by staff in their efforts and their commitment to making a difference.”

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