Charges for information which is not available under the scheme:
If you submit a request to us for information which is not available in this Guide the charges will be based on the following calculations:
General information requests
• There will be no charge for information requests which cost us £100 or less to process
• Where information costs between £100 and £600 to provide you may be asked to pay 10% of the cost. That is, if you were to ask for information that cost us £600 to provide, you would be asked to pay £50 calculated on the basis of a waiver for the first £100 and 10% of the remaining £500
• We are not obliged to respond to requests which will cost us over £600 to process
• In calculating any fee, staff time will be calculated at actual cost per staff member hourly salary rate to a maximum of £15 per person per hour
• We do not charge for the time to determine whether we hold the information requested, nor for the time it takes to decide whether the information can be released. Charges may be made for locating, retrieving and providing information to you
• In the event that we decide to impose a charge we will issue you with notification of the charge (a fees notice) and how it has been calculated. You will have three months from the date of issue of the fees notice in which to decide whether to pay the charge. The information will be provided to you on payment of the charge. If you decide not to proceed with the request there will be no charge to you.
Environmental Information
We have a schedule of fees that cover requests under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and applies to information that is not publicly available via our website or from publications which anyone can request from us.